Guidance » Lifeskills Training (LST - Botvin)

Lifeskills Training (LST - Botvin)

Central Cambria Middle School is fortunate to be able to provide students in grades 6-8 the Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) curriculum as part of a three-year grant through Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development.  The program is taught by Mrs. Loretta Miller within the Family Consumer Science (FCS) exploratory class.  Specific information pertaining to the program can be found at .

Grade 6 Lessons (Level 1):

  • Self-Image & Self Improvement - to teach what self-image is, how it is formed, how it relates to behavior, and how it may be improved.
  • Making Decisions - to teach how to make decisions and solve problems independently.
  • Smoking:  Myths and Realities - to teach information about cigarette smoking and other forms of tobacco use to counter common myths and misconceptions.
  • Smoking and Biofeedback - to teach some of the immediate physiological effects of smoking.
  • Alcohol:  Myths and Realities - to teach information about alcohol to counter common myths and misconceptions.
  • Marijuana:  Myths and Realities - to teach information about marijuana to counter common myths and misconceptions.
  • Advertising - to increase awareness of the techniques employed by advertisers to manipulate consumer behavior and to teach students how to resist these techniques.
  • Violence and the Media - to increase awareness of how the media influences student perceptions about violence and to teach them how to check media presentations against reality.
  • Coping with Anxiety - to teach what anxiety is, common situations which cause it, and techniques for coping with anxiety.
  • Coping with Anger - to teach anger recognition and common situations which cause it, and to learn techniques for self-control.
  • Communication Skills - to teach how to communicate effectively.
  • Social Skills - to teach basic social skills in order to develop successful interpersonal relationships.  Teach skills pertaining to closer personal relationships, interaction with others, and planning social activities.
  • Assertiveness - to teach how to become more assertive and resist peer pressure to use drugs.
  • Resolving Conflicts - to review previous skills as students learn and practice techniques for resolving conflicts.

Grade 7 Lessons (Level 2):

  • Drug Abuse and Violence:  Causes and Effects - to increase awareness of the social factors promoting drug abuse.
  • Making Decisions - to teach how to make informed decisions that are consistent with what is important to students.
  • Media Influences - to increase awareness of the techniques used by advertisers to manipulate consumer behavior and to teach students how to resist these techniques.
  • Coping with Anxiety - to teach how to cope with situations producing anxiety.
  • Coping with Anger - to teach reasons and techniques for controlling anger.
  • Communication Skills - to teach effective communication.
  • Social Skills - to teach basic social skills in order to help students develop successful interpersonal relationships.
  • Assertiveness - to teach when and how to become more assertive.
  • Resolving Conflicts - to review, acquire, and practice the skills needed to successfully resolve conflicts.
  • Resisting Peer Pressure - to teach how to resist peer pressures to smoke, drink, or use drugs.

Grade 8 Lessons (Level 3):

  • Drug Abuse:  Causes and Effects - to increase awareness of the causes and consequences of drug abuse.
  • Making Decisions - to increase ability to make informed and responsible decisions.
  • Media Influences - to increase awareness of the influence the media has in shaping attitudes and behavior.
  • Coping with Anxiety - to increase ability to cope with anxiety.
  • Coping with Anger - to teach reasons and techniques for controlling anger.
  • Social Skills - to improve general social skills.
  • Assertiveness - to increase general assertive skills.
  • Resolving Conflicts - to review, acquire, and practice the skills needed to successfully resolve conflicts.
  • Resisting Peer Pressure - to increase the ability to resist peer pressure to smoke, drink, or use other drugs.